One of the most popular peruvian actress Mónica Sánchez, member of the TV serie “Al Fondo Hay Sitio”, is also part of the celebrities who take part of national campaign “Childhood without punishment, childhood without violence”, organized by children’s organisations in Peru and INFANT (Training Institute for Working Children and Adolescents).

Monica said, correcting children without violence «is the longest way» but at the same time «is the only way to set limits» in confidence and love. «I told my daughters 20 thousand times the same things and sometimes I have despaired; but without any aggression or violent act» she said.

‘Sometimes we think that the violence is only the blows or insults, but there are subtle ways to attack, to humiliate, to break her little heart to a child with a harsh word or being indifferent (…) In fact, childhood is brewing new human beings, and everything that lives in this stage will be replicated as an adult, either in college, at work. If they don’t avoid violence as young, it will be difficult to control in the future. Instead, an educated person with love, with respect, with dignity and not an aggressive person, ‘ said the actress.

Meanwhile, Monica advised parents listen to their children ‘because they have come to teach us and we can see ourselves in a mirror’. ‘Children should be considered citizens with the same rights as adults. We must protect and educate them, but we must also respect them’, she replied.

She also invited adults to have ‘patience and breathe’. ‘Limit a child to do or not to do something out of fear does not help to build an identity with confidence. They must be taught to do the right thing and it brings benefits to their lives; and not out of fear, because every act has consequences’ she explained.

In addition, Monica urged the Government to not only address issues such as the fight against malnutrition and improving education; but public policies should have a look in which the child grows up with love and affection. ‘In other countries have been given laws to ban corporal punishment’, she recalled.

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Diario 16 


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